Section: New Results

Big Data Integration

Probabilistic Data Integration

Participants : Reza Akbarinia, Naser Ayat, Patrick Valduriez.

Data uncertainty in scientific applications can be due to many different reasons: incomplete knowledge of the underlying system, inexact model parameters, inaccurate representation of initial boundary conditions, inaccuracy in equipments, error in data entry, etc.

An important problem that arises in big data integration is that of Entity Resolution (ER). ER is the process of identifying tuples that represent the same real-world entity. The problem of entity resolution over probabilistic data (which we call ERPD) arises in many distributed application domains that have to deal with probabilistic data, ranging from sensor databases to scientific data management. The ERPD problem can be formally defined as follows. Let e be an uncertain entity represented by multiple possible alternatives, i.e. tuples, each with a membership probability. Let D be an uncertain database composed of a set of tuples each associated with a membership probability. Then, given e, D, and a similarity function F, the problem is to find the entity-tuple pair (t,ti) (where te,tiD) such that (t,ti) has the highest cumulative probability to be the most similar in all possible worlds. This entity-tuple pair is called the most probable match pair of e and D, denoted by MPMP(e, D).

Many real-life applications produce uncertain data distributed among a number of databases. Dealing with the ERPD problem for distributed data is quite important for such applications. A straightforward approach for answering distributed ERPD queries is to ask all distributed nodes to send their databases to a central node that deals with the problem of ER by using one of the existing centralized solutions. However, this approach is very expensive and does not scale well neither in the size of databases, nor in the number of nodes.

In [20] , we proposed FD (Fully Distributed), a decentralized algorithm for dealing with the ERPD problem over distributed data, with the goal of minimizing bandwidth usage and reducing processing time. It has the following salient features. First, it uses the novel concepts of Potential and essential-set to prune data at local nodes. This leads to a significant reduction of bandwidth usage compared to the baseline approaches. Second, its execution is completely distributed and does not depend on the existence of certain nodes. We validated FD through implementation over a 75-node cluster and simulation using both synthetic and real-world data. The results show very good performance, in terms of bandwidth usage and response time.

Open Data Integration

Participants : Emmanuel Castanier, Patrick Valduriez.

Working with open data sources can yield high value information but raises major problems in terms of metadata extraction, data source integration and visualization. For instance, Data Publica provides more than 12 000 files of public data. However, even though data formats become richer and richer in terms of semantics and expressivity (e.g. RDF), most data producers do not use them much in practice, because they require too much upfront work, and keep using simpler tools like Excel. Unfortunately, no integration tool is able to deal in an effective way with spreadsheets. Only few initiatives (OpenII and Google Refine) deal with Excel files. However, their importers are very simple and make some strict restrictions over the input spread-sheets.

In [31] , we describe a demonstration of WebSmatch, a flexible environment for Web data integration. WebSmatch supports the full process of importing, refining and integrating data sources and uses third party tools for high quality visualization. We use a typical scenario of public data integration which involves problems not solved by currents tools: poorly structured input data sources (XLS files) and rich visualization of integrated data.

Pricing Integrated Data

Participant : Patrick Valduriez.

Data is a modern commodity, being bought and sold. Electronic data market places and independent vendors integrate data and organize their online distribution. Yet the pricing models in use either focus on the usage of computing resources, or are proprietary, opaque, most likely ad hoc, and not conducive of a healthy commodity market dynamics. In [39] , we propose a generic data pricing model that is based on minimal provenance, i.e. minimal sets of tuples contributing to the result of a query. We show that the proposed model fulfills desirable properties such as contribution monotonicity, bounded-price and contribution arbitrage-freedom. We present a baseline algorithm to compute the exact price of a query based on our pricing model. We show that the problem is NP-hard. We therefore devise, present and compare several heuristics. We conduct a comprehensive experimental study to show their effectiveness and effciency.

In most data markets, prices are prescribed and accuracy is determined by the data. Instead, we consider a model in which accuracy can be traded for discounted prices: “what you pay for is what you get”. The data market model consists of data consumers, data providers and data market owners. The data market owners are brokers between the data providers and data consumers. A data consumer proposes a price for the data that she requests. If the price is less than the price set by the data provider, then she gets an approximate value. The data market owners negotiate the pricing schemes with the data providers. They implement these schemes for the computation of the discounted approximate values. In [38] , we propose a theoretical and practical pricing framework with its algorithms for the above mechanism. In this framework, the value published is randomly determined from a probability distribution. The distribution is computed such that its distance to the actual value is commensurate to the discount. The published value comes with a guarantee on the probability to be the exact value. The probability is also commensurate to the discount. We present and formalize the principles that a healthy data market should meet for such a transaction. We define two ancillary functions and describe the algorithms that compute the approximate value from the proposed price using these functions. We prove that the functions and the algorithm meet the required principles.